Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Research- Timelines & Costume & Stuff...

We all sat down today and had a little think about timelines and costume and stuff. Truth is - we were a little surprised by the lack of costume and set changes we found in the type of genre we chose. We analysed the costume settings and props in three videos (Ellie Goulding - Burn, Naughty Boy - La La La and Delilah - Go) and found minimal costume changes in each one. They all fit under a kind of dance/electronic/pop/trance category and have similar fan bases.

Ellie Goulding - Burn
Three 'costume changes' (the hood is used from the first costume in the second) and three set changes.

Delilah - Go
One costume and location due to the 'story arc' (following a suitor through the streets).

Naughty Boy - La La La
One costume due to the 'story arc', however the plot follows a journey and so there are five main location changes.

Here's our musings over the entire idea of costume and set changes (we ramble a lot).

Finally we chose the song by Delilah (Go) to timeline the costume or set changes and the effect it has on the video using TimeToast:

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